I started buying LTDs in 2016 offered on young SaaS companies at $49. The pricing was incredible. As a user, we supported the companies, helped them find crucial bugs and suggested features to improve their product roadmap.
If the companies didn’t grow they shut down and if they did they forgot their early supporters. It felt like it wasn’t worth it and it’s better to invest in companies that are already fully developed, know what they are doing and are ready to be used for client projects
Dev Hisaria
From an LTD addict
How Prime Club started
A Brief Timeline
From accidental passion to precision
Prime Club
Accidental Passion
Accidental Passion
In 2017, I started freelancing for Appsumo as a researcher, scouting SaaS companies for potential lifetime deals. This started my passion for uncovering hidden gems in the SaaS space.
During that same year, I was trying to bring back an LTD that I initially missed called WebTextTool. Being obsessed with it, I somehow convinced the founder to provide me with some codes. This accidental encounter became my first successful deal.
Prime Club
Prime Club
Prime Club
Deal Hunting
Deal Hunting
In 2018, I joined LTDF as a deal hunter and spent four years sourcing deals for the community.
This experience allowed me to develop a keen eye for assessing not just the quality and features but also the business and growth potential of a SaaS company. I discovered patterns in the kind of deals that work and those that don’t.
Lifetime deals
Prime Time
Prime Time
Fast forward to April 1st, 2022, with all my learnings and experiences, I decided to start the Prime Club to create a community where I could showcase companies that are ready for Prime time.
A platform that LTD fans could buy lifetime deals from, without doing any due diligence on the deals listed.